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Product manufacturing process at Metiz Plant CJSC (Diagram 1) includes operations on preparing rods for drawing (etching in sulfuric acid solution, washing, liming, and drying), and directly drawing of wire on the coarse-medium and fine drawing benches. Wire drawing process (for general-purpose wire, welding wire and wire used for reinforcement of ferro-concrete structures) involves high-performance benches with intensive cooling of dies and drums, thus ensuring improved strength properties and plasticity of metal. Usage of modern lubricating materials allows guaranteeing specific wire properties in accord with customer requirements. With a view to increasing quality of manufactured wire, drawing equipment is regularly renovated and supplied with the required attachments. For ensuring special properties of wire, thermal treatment operations are included into the relevant manufacturing process. Finished wire in bundles of 200 – 1000 kg is transferred to finished products' warehouse, or reworked into nails, nettings, chains, consumer goods, etc. Metiz Plant CJSC is the largest manufacturer of nails in Ukraine.


Wire / Steel Rope Producer
